Wednesday, 15 December 2010

It's nearly Christmas!

Hello my furends, it duz be nerly a munf since I larst blogged. Mum haz been vry busy getting reddy for Christmas so she hasnt had time to help me type. There duz be a vry nice tree in the corna of the room wiv decorashuns on it. I did fink she had brought me a tree indoors for my peemail cos it was vry cold in the garden larst week when it did snow. But then the oldest teenager did dress it wiv his girlfurend and mum say I musnt pee up it cos I wood be electrocuted. I dont like the sound of that!

Maggie Moo duz be growin up, she will be four munfs old on Christmas day. I hope she dussnt fink that means she will be getting extra presentz!

We did hav an surprise in de post larst week. A packaje did come for me and Moo wot did hav an Christmas card in for uz and two liddle parcels for uz and a card for mum. It duz be from Anniebella and Maisie Daisie. We duzznt be allowed to open our parcels yet, mum say we have to wait. It duz be hard waiting! But we duz say fank yoo to the girls!

We duz be wearin our cotes larst week coz of the snow. It duz be vry deep in Kent, deepest mum had seen it before and some of it iz still here but not much. Dere duz still be some at de park on de parf and the lake is iced up so I cant do no swimming and not even any drinkin! Mum say de snow is comin back and she duz fink it wood be nice for Christmas.

Maggie Moo duz bark when we go to the park. She barks at evryfing includin two wooden badgers wich are in de children's park. I did bark at dem once wen I was liddle but not evrytime I duz see em like she duz! She duzznt be able to jump on the sofur yet so it iz still my liddle domain and I can still see her runnin behind it! She haz learned to climb the stairz alreddy so the staregate is at the bottom of the stairz now.

Dad did buy uz a new bed larst week, coz our uvver one was tatty. We did get an proper bed wot iz made from fleece and duz be vry cozee. We dus use it as wrestlin ring and also Maggie duz put all her toyz in it like a playpen! Moo getz hot in it though and she duz lay on the fireplace insted to sleep.

I fink dat does be all our nooz now. We duz have an nice walk today at de park and we duz be quite tired so we need to have some snoozin time now.

Have a nice Christmas evryone and a Happy Noo Year! xxxx