Hellos to you all
Iz a long time since i larsst posted izn't it? Mum haz been a bit buzy organizing an hooge BBQ for next week and haz not had time for me. I haz been busy az well but not doing fings mum likes.
I kiled a babie bird this week and mum woz angree wiv me. I did catch it coz it was liddle and culd not fli very kwick. Mum did get it from my mouf and old it in her and. She waz surprized it was still alive and it did flutter to the floor where I did catch it again but mum got it back. Her and one ov the teenagerz did put it in an box and did take it out by the back door and it did try to fli away again but mum did not find it and neivver did Sarah next door. But I did find it laters in the arrfternoon ded and did take it proudly indoors to show mum. It did ave lotz of liddle black fings on it and they did run all over the floor. Mum sed Norty Boy Hamish! And did take the bird out and put it in the bin, then she did a liddle dance stamping her feet up and down on the floor to kill the black fings (ants), then she did get the oover out and oover them up and then she did wash the floor. She woz not appy. I waz in er bad bookz. :(
Yesserday I did go into the doggiewood in the gardin and duz find an froggie to play wiv. Dis mornin mum did find it dead on the grass. I duzzn't fink she was very plesed wiv me.
Today I did take an barsket from the barfroom and emptie it on the floor then took it into the gardin to chew. She did say Norty Boy Hamish! Again!
Mum haz had trubble wiv her feet and haz not been takin me long walkiez, also her car haz been out of acshun so we haz not been anywhere like we do usualie. This duz make for an bored Hamish and bored Hamish's mus find fings to do for demselfs.
Today mum did take me to the field at the back of our ouse. There duz be wheat growing dere and I duz jus luff to run in and out of it. I duz getz lotz of burrrrss on me and mum haz to pick dem out but it duz make me sleep nearly all day, so I haz been better today.
Mum and dada did giv me sum noows on Sunday. They did say Hamish, how wuld you like to hav an nuvver dawgie to live wiv you? I duz fink diz mite be nice tho there wuld have to be rulez (Marleeterrier told me dat).
Rule 1
Hamish duz get noms first
Rule 2
Hamish duz get cuddlez first
Rule 3
Hamish duz get 1st choice ov skweekies
Rule 4
Hamish duz get walkiez first
Rule 5
Hamish duz get use of paddlin pool first (dada has put it away now coz of the BBQ)
Rule 6
Hamish duz get 1st use of Kong wen there is chickin in it.
Rule 7
Hamish duz not fetch ball uvver dawgie can do dat!
Rule 8
Hamish duz get first choice of where to sleep at night, on de bed or under de bed.
Rule 9
Hamish duz share hiz toyz if he wants to, uvver dawgie duzz not just take dem
Rule 10
Hamish duzzn't have a rule 10 yet.
So Mum duz send an happlicashun form to a westie rescue home on Monday. On Chewsday Mum duz get an fone call from Henry's mum(who is mums frend) who sez she mite no of an Westie wot is lookin for an ome. He iz called Archie and is free years old. Mum did want to call me Archie when I did go to live wiv them but did fink Hamish was an better name. Mum hazn't herd any more yet but she haz her fingers crossed.
It duz be an eggcitin time livin ere at de moment.
Edited to add: Mum duz say we iz goin to see Archie on Munday. I mite be gettin a bruvver!!!
a nuvver luffly post Hamish, you duz remind me of sumwun hmmmmm, finkin face ah yes me BOL. i hope you gets a new frend dat will be fun. xxx