Hellos to you my followers. Ere I is again wiv more storiez of my dayz as a puppie. Today mum and dada did take me to Camer Park wich iz in Mepham. Mepham iz a nice villige near to our ouse.
Dada did find an ball in the car and off we went. Dada frew the ball and I duz chase it again and again. Wen we got to the bottom ov the emptie park I duz find an ole. Thiz iz puzzling to me coz I duz not dig dis one. Dis one haz been dug by dawgies or pawsons unown. So I duz invesstigate it. And in de ole is sum bumble beez. I dont fink they liked me lookin at dem coz one of dem did rush towards me and duz land on me! I duz back off kwicklee but de bumble bee was still there! So i duz sit down and triez to scratch it off wiv my foot but it duz not leave! I duz get up and mum sez to dada Hamish duss ave an bumble bee on im and mum duss be ever so brave and duzz swoosh the bumble bee wiv her and. And the bumble bee duz flie off!!! Phew. I haz eard that bumble beez do bite and then dey duz die. I did not want bumble bee to bite me and die, I wood be sad and saw.
We duz carrie on wiv our walkiez and we duzz come across a liddle dawgie wot mum sez lookz like an JR X wiv an sossige doggie. It duz growl at me but duz come towards me wiv her liddle tail wagging wich confuzzed me a bit. I did try to play but itz mum duz say NO and duz put liddle dawgie on itz leed. I duzzn't fink the mum did like me much.
So we duz go on our way and duz meat two labs wot did fink they mite eat my snackz wot mum duz carrie for me. But they did be called by their dada. My snackz are safe for anuvver day.
We duz go back to the car park where there duz be an water tap for dawgies wich duz be filled into an bowl and duz overflow onto the chippingz where it duz form a big puddle. I duz lay down in the puddle coz it iz nice and cool for Hamish's tummy. Mum duz say to dada Look what Hamish iz doing? Dada sed Let's get a drink coz he iz not goin in my car all wet! Mum woodnt have cared if it had been er car coz I duz go in the back in my crate. So we did go get a drink and who duz we meat dere but Misty who iz an GSD puppie who did get hurted by an labrador at Jeskyns a few weeks ago. She is luffly and duz luff to play but I iz tired and ot now so I duz have a liddle play then duz lay down and she duz go to get into her car. Mum duz give me some more water and dada duz give me a liddle bit of his sarnie wich takez me agez to eat.
Then we duz go ome where I duz get in the paddlin pool and do sum swimmin. Dada is goin to empty the pool tomorrow cos I iz going on my hollibobz on Friday to the kennels coz mum and dada are goin away on their motobike. I iz goin to be stripped wile I is there so I will be poncey wen I come ome on Sunday.
Dat's all for today, hope evryone iz well and appy today?
I fink we did talk about how careful you ave to be for Mr bee. I fink if we nice to im then mebbe he keep bringin the hunny