Thursday, 6 May 2010

Hamish duz do swimmin

Hellos to you my luffly followers, today is Fursday. It is nice that two days of the week are dedicated to animals - Chewsday and Fursday. :D BOL
Today I did go to Pets at Home, where a Weinmarner did bark at me when I waz tryin to say Hellos and a lady did give me an chew. Mum did bye me sum more food and sum treatz and sum bonez which I cannot chew, I jus make dem soggy.
Mum did put me back in my crate in the boot in her car and we did go do sum drivin in the sunshine to Ashenbank Woodz which is in Cobham. I had not been there before but it was nice walkiez thru the woodz. Mum forgot her camera but we are going again cos she wantz to take pix of bluebells which iz in the woodz. We did walk a long way and then we did find some dawgies swimmin in a pond! I did jump in and did get very wet. Then I did get out and walk fru sum mud so I waz dirty as well. Mum did talk to man there while I did runnin around and paddling wiv man's dog which waz a boxer crossed wiv a staffie, it waz a biiiiggg dog but very friendly. There waz a border collie swimmin as well but passt eggsperience has showed me that Border Collies duzzn't like liddle Hamish's much so I did not go near dat one. Then we did come ome and mum did dry me wiv a towl while I tried my best to eat it.
Oh that duz reminds me of last nite. I did go walkiez round the block wiv mum and I did find on the pavement a dead baby bird, which I did try to eat but mum did make me spit it out and sed it was bad for me. Last time I did ave a bird for my dinner I was very ill and had to go to the vetz. :( Vetz did give me an injecshun in my neck which I duzzn't like. I must learn not to eat birdiez. I duz like tissues and any old fing which is lurkin on the pavement. I duz get told to drop and leave then I get a treat when I duz do that.
Mum duz give me lotz of treatz if I duz do az I iz told. :D BOL.

When Mum and dada did go to vote at some old elecshun this morning, I did go into their bedroom and did pull everyfing out of the bin and did chew it even tho it wazn't Chewsday. They used to ave a stair gate on dem stairs but when I went to The Nook last week they took it away and haven't put it back again. I duz be good boy at night and duz jus lay on the sofa and sleep, I duzzn't go up the stairs and knock on their door. But when dey is out, it's anuvver fing altogevver. Then it is time to eggsplore. But mum duz shut all the doors up there so I can't investigate. Dada did leave the bedroom door open cos he forgot about me. So I did go do some investigating wile they waz out. Dada did tell me off when they came back. He sed Oh Hamish, wot ave you done? And I did look pretty and nicely at him. Then he did sit on the floor and pick up all the nice chewie fings so I did fink it was time to play and did try and play wiv him but he just say Norty boy. Then he did play fings wiv his hand and I nose it was Ok again. So I'z not in lotz of trubble just a liddle bit.

Mum is still sad about de puddy kat, coz it waz a speshul one and waz much loved by her friend Sue.

That's all for today my furiends. See you tomorrow with more adventures of Hamish

1 comment:

  1. WE rilly likin your great blog my pal. No eatin birdies for you though!
